What We Do

Policy Advisory Services

Greensoft GMC has significant experience in providing policy advice on climate change, natural resource management and the circular economy. We are able to provide strategic analysis through environmental scanning, market analysis, stakeholder engagement, and policy assessments. Our consultants have backgrounds in natural sciences, social sciences, and business. We have in-depth knowledge of UN systems and have provided a number of countries with support during the readiness phase of REDD+.

Program and Project Reviews

Greensoft GMC has technical expertise and practical knowledge across a wide range of project areas including sustainable forest management, watershed management, biodiversity, waste management, rural development and agriculture. We have undertaken reviews for a range of international organisations, such as UNDP, UNEP, GEF, FCPF, and FAO. Our reviews utilise result-based management frameworks and SMART indicators, such as the OECD Development Assistance Committee evaluation criteria.

Project Design and Implementation

Greensoft GMC has experience in directly supporting, as well as externally evaluating the establishment of projects and programs. Our consultants are able to provide upfront support in developing financial plans and funding proposals, as well as analysis of capacity requirements and risk management. Greensoft GMC is able to help identify sustainable finance mechanisms from government and private sector sources. Our consultants are accredited project managers and have widespread experience in leading and managing teams throughout the globe.