Completed Projects - Uganda

Project: Terminal Evaluation of the PNG UN-REDD National Programme

Client: UNDP Uganda
Dates: 05/18 – 08/18
Details: UN-REDD National Programs are designed under the UNFCCC as a mechanism to support countries reduce deforestation and forest degradation as part of national climate change response. They support countries setup institutional arrangements, design MRV systems (forest monitoring and forest inventory systems) and other elements such as gender, safeguards, and climate financing mechanisms. The review noted the challenges that national programs have with the three-year time period and recommended that countries should be given a six months inception phase to allow for design adjustments, and recruitment of relevant staff. The review noted stakeholder feedback that the percentage of women participating in the decision-making in REDD+ remains low. Consequently, it was recommended that efforts need to be made to increase the overall participation of women.