Completed Projects - Tanzania

Project: Final Evaluation of the MRV LIDAR Project on Enhancing the Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of forests in Tanzania through the application of advanced remote sensing techniques

Client: Royal Norwegian Embassy
Dates: 12/2015 – 04/2016
Details: This project supported Tanzania to develop methodological approaches for forest sector MRV as part of the sector climate change preparedness. Greensoft GMC led a team of experts for the terminal evaluation of the project achievements on establishing relevant institutional MRV setting, forest monitoring and inventory systems, and carbon stock analysis methodologies.

Project: Programme Review and Formulation: Gap Analysis of Tanzania’s REDD+ Readiness and Formulation of Potential UN-REDD Phase II

Client: UNDP and Government of Tanzania
Dates: 03/2014 – 06/2014
Details: Tanzania needed to assess its REDD+ Readiness against UNFCCC guidelines (Warsaw Framework and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Self-Assessment Framework). Greensoft GMC led a team of experts in undertaking a gap analysis of Tanzania’s REDD+ readiness for performance based international REDD+ mechanism and in formulating a proposal for UN-REDD Phase II. This involved identifying key priorities to enable Tanzania to be REDD+ ready by end of 2016. These priorities included aspects such as the National REDD+ Strategy and proposed action plans, the institutional setting, gender mainstreaming, safeguards, NFMS, NFI and decentralization, and cross-sector policy integration between agriculture and forestry under the National Climate Change Response strategy. Key stakeholders involved include government and local communities, UN agencies, (FAO, UNDP, UNEP) and the World Bank.

Project: End-of-Project Review of the Jane Goodall Institute REDD+ Pilot Project Implemented by the Jane Goodall Institute in Kigoma, Tanzania

Client: Royal Norwegian Embassy
Dates: 03/2014 – 05/2014
Details: The Norwegian Government funded a REDD+ Pilot project in Tanzania in 2009 located in Kigoma. For the final evaluation, Greensoft GMC provided specialist advice on REDD+ policy, forestry, GIS and MRV system design and provided technical expertise in the assessment the overall achievements of the project. The project involved multiple community activities in forestry, agriculture, income generating projects, specifically for women as part of gender mainstreaming. The primary process involved interviewing project teams and key stakeholders ranging from international experts to senior government officials.

Project: Tanzania UN REDD National Programme Final Evaluation

Client: FAO, UNDP, UNEP and Government of Tanzania
Dates: 08/2013 – 12/2013
Details: UN-REDD National Programs are designed under the UNFCCC as a mechanism to support countries reduce deforestation and forest degradation as part of national climate change response. They support countries setup institutional arrangements, design MRV systems (forest monitoring and forest inventory systems) and other elements such as gender, safeguards, and climate financing mechanisms. Greensoft GMC led a team of experts to evaluate the programme in Tanzania focusing on institutional set up, forest monitoring and inventory methodologies, REDD+ incentive systems, safeguards and the National REDD+ Strategy and other climate change mitigation measures for the forestry sector. Total Project budget: USD 4 million. The review noted the challenges that national programs have with the three-year time period and recommended that countries should be given a six months inception phase to allow for design adjustments, and recruitment of relevant staff. It was also noted that officials expressed concerns that the UN agencies largely drove the design process and the consultation process was insufficient, too short and perceived as seeking endorsement of preconceived ideas. This affected the level of institutional commitment and subsequently the ownership of outcomes.

Project: Mid-Term Review of the Norwegian Funded Project on Enhancing the Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of Forests in Tanzania Through the Application of Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques

Client: Royal Norwegian Embassy
Dates: 06/2013 – 07/2013
Details: This project focused on supporting Tanzania development methodological approaches for forest monitoring, reporting and verification as part of the forestry sector climate change preparedness. Greensoft GMC led a team of experts undertake a Mid-Term Review of the project achievements in setting up institutions, forest and agriculture sector policy reform, forest monitoring, and inventory systems and scalable carbon stock analysis methodologies.