Completed Projects - Nigeria

Project: Terminal Evaluation of the Nigeria UN-REDD National Programme

Client: UNDP Nigeria
Dates: 10/2018 – 8/2019
Details: UN-REDD national programs support countries establish optimum institutional arrangements, design MRV systems (forest monitoring and forest inventory systems), gender mainstreaming, safeguards, and climate financing mechanisms. The review noted the challenges that national programs have with the three-year time period and recommended that countries should be given a six months inception phase to allow for design adjustments, and recruitment of relevant staff. The importance of documenting and disseminating outputs, achievements and lessons was noted. Furthermore, to increase sustainability, the review identified that capacity building needs to go beyond individuals and to link leadership and systems that the individuals concerned are accountable for.

Project: Carbon Projects Annual Business/Financial Valuation

Client: Confidential
Dates: Multi-years (2014 – present)
Details: Many corporates around the world are taking advantage of opportunities to monetize carbon credits from different sectors. However, investment in carbon projects requires important understanding of the market, national government policies, risks and risk mitigation. For this project, our client invested in carbon emissions reduction projects that support local community livelihoods in forestry and agriculture, while generating verified emissions reductions for sale on the international carbon market. Each year the client undertakes an independent business valuation. Greensoft GMC was responsible for overall market analysis and analysis of the financial performance of the projects in each of the participatory countries. The investment was in four Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and two REDD+ Voluntary Carbon Projects. The CDM Projects involved improved cook stoves and the REDD+ projects were in forestry.