Completed Projects - Laos

Project: Capacity Needs Assessment (GCF Project)

Client: UNIQUE Forestry and Land Use
Dates: 11/2018 – 02/2019
Details: Greensoft GMC undertook a Capacity Needs Assessment as part of the feasibility Study for the Green Climate Fund Funding Proposal “Implementation of the Lao PDR Emission Reductions Program through Improved Governance and Sustainable Forest Management”. This work involved interviewing key government departments, developing a capacity development strategy and identifying practical measures to bridge capacity gaps. This assessment followed the UNDP’s Capacity Assessment Methodology (2008) approach, taking a multi-dimensional systems approach, which looked at both functional and technical capacities.


Project: Mid-Term Review Mission of the Lao PDR FCPF REDD+ Grant and supporting preparation of a proposal for requesting additional funding

Client: World Bank / FCPF
Dates: 09/2016 – 10/2016
Details: The World Bank’s FCPF (Forest Carbon Partnership Facility) Grants are provided to countries for supporting REDD+ Readiness activities in preparation for results-based payments under the UNFCCC and other global climate finance schemes. Greensoft GMC was responsible for reviewing Lao PDR progress of REDD+ readiness activities since 2011 and progress achieved. This involved working with the country team to prepare a financing plan to apply for additional funding from the World Bank. The review methodology was based on application of UNFCCC Warsaw Framework Assessment and UNDP Common Approach Evaluation Guidelines, with a focus on Social and Environmental Strategic Analysis (SESA) and stakeholder engagement.


Project: Adaptation to Climate Induced Flooding in Khammouane Province

Client: The Asia Foundation
Dates: 11/2015 02/2015
Details: Greensoft GMC managed a river basin management project in Khammouane Province, aimed at providing adaptation initiatives to combat climate induced flooding. This included the development of flood alleviation strategies, landscape restoration, and alternative livelihood development. This included providing advice on forestry options, such as identifying flooding resistant tree species (natural and exotic) for landscape restoration and flood mitigation, along with agricultural livelihood options, such as flood resistant rice varieties. Greensoft GMC designed baseline studies through extensive field assessment, land use and land cover mapping, and community interviews through focus groups and individuals.


Project: Improving the circular economy in Lao PDR

Client: The Asia Foundation
Dates: 02/2015 07/2015
Details: Greensoft GMC undertook research and provided advice to enhance Lao PDR’s waste management. This included the preparation of a national report, developing guidelines for the construction and management of managed landfills and community dumps, and establishing awareness raising initiatives to try and improve the volume of plastic packaging material recycled within Lao PDR.


Project: Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests (LEAF) Lao PDR, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Thailand

Client: USAID
Dates: 10/2014 – 11/2015
Details: Responsible for the implementation of all REDD+ and Climate change programs including LEAF. Country Programme Manager (LEAF) responsible for overall leadership in Laos. The LEAF programme was implemented between 2011 and 2015, focusing on agriculture and forest development and targeting GHG emissions reductions across the six target countries. Key outputs included developing climate change policy and tools for forest monitoring and reporting, including capacity building for forest inventory and land use change analysis based on Participatory Carbon Monitoring methods incorporating gender mainstreaming in natural resource management.


Project: Technical Review and Evaluation of Application of Remote Sensing and LIDAR for MRV

Client: Laos Department of Forest (SUFORD Project) /Indufor Oy
Dates: 11/2011 – 08/2012
Details: Team Leader in the implementation of a project to design an MRV system for voluntary carbon standard (VCS). This role involved assessing the suitability of selected mapping methodologies (remote sensing, LiDAR, field verification, orthophotography) for the Voluntary Carbon Standard, and determining which methodology could support the development of the Lao PDR climate change response strategy and intervention options. This included analysis of drivers and agents of deforestation, mainly agriculture and energy, in order to account for developing national programs and policies on rural development and agriculture.