Completed Projects - Butan

Project: Bhutan FCPF National REDD+ Strategy Formulation

Client: Watershed Management Department/World Bank
Dates: 02/2018 – 08/2019
Details: Greensoft GMC was responsible for synthesizing and formulating Bhutan’s National REDD+ Strategy and Action Plan, bringing together thematic components to prepare strategy options, practical policies and measures, and an implementation framework. This involved leading consultation with relevant departmental Secretaries, Directors and other key decision makers on the suitability of proposed strategy options and policy measures.


Project: Mid-Term Review of the Bhutan FCPF REDD+ grant and preparation of a financial plan for additional funding

Client: Watershed Management Department/World Bank
Dates: 10/2016 – 02/2017
Details: Responsible for reviewing Bhutan’s progress of REDD+ readiness activities since 2014 and progress achieved in activities under the FCPF grant, including review of compliance with the Common Approach. Greensoft GMC worked with the country team to prepare a financing plan for additional funding and an application to FCPF. The review methodology was based application of UNFCCC Warsaw Framework Assessment and UNDP Common Approach Evaluation Guidelines, with a focus on Social and Environmental Strategic Analysis (SESA) and stakeholder engagement.
