Completed Projects - Cambodia

Project: Terminal Evaluation of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility’s (FCPF) Readiness Project Phase II (FCPF-II)

Client: UNDP/REDD+/Royal Government of Cambodia
Dates: 07/2020 – 10/2020
Details: Conducted a terminal evaluation of FCPF-II project’s performance against expectations outlined in the Project Results Framework. Assessed Cambodia’s Readiness Preparation Proposal’s (R-PP) progress. Used a variety of evaluation tools and methodologies, including the five OECD DAC criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability as well as FCPF’s assessment criteria. Interviewed stakeholders from academia, civil society, government, INGOs and NGOs and reviewed project documents to evaluate the project’s outputs.


Project: Technical Review of Cambodia’s Forest Investment Plan

Client: World Bank
Dates: 12/2016 – 03/2017
Details: The assessment involved technical due diligence of the investment plan and suitability of proposed sector investment options.


Project: Mid-Term Review of the Cambodia FCPF REDD+ and Preparation of a Financial Plan for Additional Funding

Client: UNDP/ FCPF
Dates: 06/2016 – 09/2016
Details: Responsible for reviewing Cambodia’s progress of REDD+ readiness activities since 2011, and progress achieved in activities under the FCPF grant, including review of compliance with the Common Approach. Greensoft GMC worked with the country team to prepare a financing plan for additional funding and an application to FCPF. The review methodology was based on the application of UNFCCC Warsaw Framework Assessment and UNDP Common Approach Evaluation Guidelines, with a focus on Social and Environmental Strategic Analysis (SESA) and stakeholder engagement.


Project: Final Evaluation of the UN-REDD Cambodia National Program

Client: UNDP/ FAO
Dates: 04/2015 – 07/2015
Details: The UN-REDD programs support countries to establish optimum institutional arrangements, design MRV systems, incorporating forest monitoring and forest inventory systems other elements such as gender, safeguards, and climate financing mechanisms. Greensoft GMC’s role was to lead a team of experts to undertake an evaluation of the UN REDD National programme in Cambodia. The evaluation was designed to assess the implementation successes in establishing the required institutions, forest monitoring systems, forest inventory methodologies, REDD+ incentive systems, safeguards and preparation of a National REDD+ Strategy specifying practical climate change mitigation measures for the forestry sector.


Project: Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests (LEAF) Lao PDR, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Thailand

Client: USAID
Dates: 10/2014 – 11/2015
Details: Responsible for the implementation of all REDD+ and Climate change programs including LEAF. Country Programme Manager (LEAF) responsible for overall leadership in Laos. The LEAF programme was implemented between 2011 and 2015, focusing on agriculture and forest development and targeting GHG emissions reductions across the six target countries. Key outputs included developing climate change policy and tools for forest monitoring and reporting, including capacity building for forest inventory and land use change analysis based on Participatory Carbon Monitoring methods incorporating gender mainstreaming in natural resource management.